Upcoming events.


What is Your Change Maker Archetype?

What is Your Change Maker Archetype?

Donation Based Virtual Workshop

Many of us are called to service but then when we get into the current modes of service- working at public service organizations, nonprofits, community organizations - there can be a culture that we should all be working a “certain” way. And if we are not good at that way, we can internalize the lack of fitting into our environments.

It is time for new culture change as far as how we serve. It is time to own our unique medicine, and to own our needs.

What is your change maker archetype? Are you supposed to be working within the systems or outside of the systems? Are you meant to be a bridge for people who are ready for change or do you come off so radical that you are meant for people who are already embodying the change?

We will explore these questions and try to learn more about our own change maker archetype in this workshop.

It is a donation based workshop with a recommended donation amount of $25, though you are welcome to give according to your ability and the value you find the workshop to be. You can Venmo me at @Arielle-yoon or email me if you would like different options.

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Dreamers Council

Dreamers Council

Dreamers Council

Community meeting to resource ourselves when there is a lot going on in the world and also keep our visions for a better world at the top of our hearts. A meeting to keep walking towards those visions.

This meeting will consist of a basic schedule of:

  • short practice to help us ground and resource ourselves in these times.

  • guided practice and discussion led by Arielle to help us reroot to the dreamer archetype, visionaries for a better world.

To buy tickets, reserve below and I will email you a zoom link. Any questions can be directed to me at ariellesheart@gmail.com.

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Divine Revolution: Culture Change 101

Divine Revolution: Culture Change 101

Divine Revolution: Culture Change 101

Free Masterclass

It feels like the country is in chaos, the systems are no longer working - the oppression that they are causing and the impact on the earth cannot go on the way they are any longer.

So for us on the healing path, what do we do? We know that the current way things have been done are no longer working.

This workshop will created based on my studies of culture change and human behavior and healing. We will talk about the way the revolution that will be lasting will really happen and what we can do now.

My goal is you will come away from this workshop with:

  • a sense of hope

  • new thoughts on how we can create change

  • some direction on what you can be doing in these times as a person on a spiritual journey who cares about the greater good.

*Please note that this free masterclass will be recorded so if you do not give permission to be on recording please only write in the chat.

If you cannot attend live, if you still RSVP I will try to send you the recording after.

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Healing in Nature

Healing in Nature

Join me at the beautiful community garden community center of Tecolote for a healing event. We may feel already a call to connecting more with the land or feel like we are on a spiritual journey where we need more rootedness. Remembering how to live with a deeply spiritual relationship with the land is a path of devotion. It’s not a one time class or a passive relationship but takes continual deepening and commitment.

What to bring:

This is an outdoor space so please bring water, journals + pens, and something to sit on like a yoga mat or blanket. The space is also covered potentially if we need it :). If you have an offering to bring the land please do. Some ideas are as simple as a be a song or a poem.

What to expect:

  • Group discussion on where we are on our healing journeys and where we are needing support

  • Guidance for your healing journey

  • A group healing exercise to support you on your path

RSVPs are preferred if possible :); To RSVP you can venmo me at @Arielle-yoon. If you prefer to pay by credit card or another way you can email or message me and I can coordinate with you. My email is ariellesheart@gmail.com. Suggested donation is $25-35.

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Embodying Your True Essence

Embodying Your True Essence for Yourself and Community

A workshop with Rose Two Feathers and Arielle at San Pedro Springs Park

How to use the Native American Medicine Wheel Astrology to learn more about your unique self and path. We will identify the elements like herbs, affirmations and pendulums, you can use accordingly.

We will be learning in community, journaling, and doing healing exercises.

Things you may walk away with:

  • knowing your unique blueprint and essence more.

  • embodying who you are bravely in your communities and for yourself.

  • identifying any current blocks to clear your path and purpose.

  • resources to help you overcome any blocks.

  • healing blocks from you walking this path.

What you should bring:

  • journal

  • blankets/chairs to sit in circle at the park

  • any drinks or snacks needed

  • an offering for the land for our altar (can be very simple)

  • (optional) pendulum or personal necklace

To RSVP: message or email Rose or I (ariellesheart@gmail.com) and venmo @arielle-yoon choose your price $25-35. If possible please RSVP by Saturday April 20th. When you RSVP please provide your email address so that we can send you more information before the event.

We will be north of the pool (towards Ashby Street) in the grassy area under the trees.

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to May 17

Dreaming to Earth

What better time to align to new earth frequencies than during the Spring Equinox?

A virtual gathering and workshop for our dreams for the earth, our future, and our communities. May we remember the importance of and inspire each other with our highest dreams and visions for our communities. We will also work together to overcome any blocks we have to dreaming so that we may step forward into the frequency and reality of the new earth.

Expected take aways:

  • feeling more aligned to possibilities in the world and our futures

  • feeling the heart-expanding feeling of being with others who want to align to a better world

  • things you can bring into your every day life to align to this frequency

  • ability to talk about places you got stuck


  • Community conversation

  • workshopping places where we got stuck

  • imagining/day dreaming and journaling ideas you have for a better earth

  • making space for places you have been stuck

  • a healing exercise

Interested in signing up? Venmo me at @Arielle-yoon $25 and email me a screenshot of your purchase at ariellesheart@gmail.com and I will send you the zoom details :) , if you don’t have Venmo, you can email me also and we will figure out another method of payment :)

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Self Love Workshop

Self Love Workshop

We may have heard of capitalistic definitions of self-care and seen where they fall short. We know that to truly develop a deep relationship with ourselves it takes more than an expensive bath bomb.

Here we define self love as learning who you are on a soul level and becoming more of that person and making space for that person to unfold as number 1. Also self love is learning how to love and romanticize your life.

My workshops are intuitively guided and subject to change but a sample schedule is:

  • casual tea ceremony with a specially prepared tea by me

  • check ins and teaching based on where people are stuck in their self love journey

  • healing exercise: energy work guided meditation to be able to experience deeper self love

  • guided journaling: introspective practice to see how we can learn more about ourselves and implement more self care in our lives

My goal is always that people leave feeling like they have the tools and resources to make real changes in their lives.

To register Venmo me your email address at @Arielle-yoon. If you do not have Venmo you can message me or email me at ariellesheart@gmail.com. Tickets are $25.

This event will take place at nourish healing collective at 221 W. Rhapsody Dr. #101.

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Weekly Healing Workshops
to Mar 6

Weekly Healing Workshops

For the next month, I will offer healing workshops every week instead of promoting each event individually.

My favorite thing to do is to intuitively create my workshops in response to where each person who is participating is stuck. Each workshop will include a healing exercise to help each participant move forward in their healing journeys. Each workshop will be unique to the participants, teaching about topics where participants are stuck, and discussing general collective themes coming up.

The upcoming dates for the next month are:

Friday, February 16th 12-1:15

Wednesday, February 21st 3-4:15

Tuesday, February 27th 3-4:15

Wednesday, March 3rd 3-4:15

*recordings are always available and the times are an estimate, workshops will run from 1 hour to an hour and a half.

People often take away from my workshops things like:

  • more clarity of where you are in your healing journey and next steps

  • intuitive guidance for navigating any roadblocks you have

  • help and guidance stepping into your power as a person for the new earth, a change maker, a leader for true change, etc.

  • new perspectives for deeper healing, deeper collective healing, and the directions we want to move in

  • feeling the support that a more intimate and interactive container can provide

My work is intuitive and I pull from my interdisciplinary studies in healing.

A sample format of the way my workshops go:

  • Introductions and speaking about what each participant is working through right now

  • Teachings to common themes and what the individuals are going through. This is a group discussion and therefore often questions come up that we will also discuss.

  • A healing practice. This may include energy work, ritual practices that you can practice the upcoming week, working with plants (like tea), self-inquiry journaling, etc. Ultimately the purpose of my healings is to have support to be able to transmute heavy emotions, rather than get stuck in them when they come up.

You can attend any and all weeks. These offerings are loose sliding scale (you can choose what feels right for you, higher amounts are optional) from $25-50 per session. To attend you can venmo me @Arielle-yoon and put in the notes your email address. If you do not have Venmo you can email me ariellesheart@gmail.com and we can figure out the best way for payment :). Donating at the higher levels help support my work but you can also support my work by attending regularly, sharing, etc :).

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Taking Your Power Back in Times of Global Devastation

Discussion and interactive online workshop to take our power back during these times.

In these times, we are reminded of the ways that the current systems are no longer working for us, but there may be still ways that our culture and systems still influence us. They may not allow us to take time to grieve because of capitalism or lack of support, social media and the news may make us feel like nothing we can do will be important enough or keep us in fight or flight so we don’t come back to our unique power. We may not have the tools to grieve and move through such big emotions, which can be both because of the amount of sorrow in the collective grief, but also because it might touch into past experiences we or our ancestors have had.

This workshop will be intuitively guided based on where each person is at, to help each person become more centered, rooted, and back into their power. If there are any blocks, we will work through them.

In this workshop the goals I have are:

  • that each person walks a way feeling more powerful to influence and shape the world we live in for the better

  • that each person becomes very clear on what may be blocking them from their power and being connected to their higher self which these imperative times are happening

  • that people leave centered, and more regulated, and have more tools to come back to their power more regularly

  • that people may identify ways they can tangibly create more good in the world

To register, please Venmo or PayPal me $25 at @Arielle-yoon or Arielle.yoon@gmail.com. I will email the zoom information. If you are not sure if I have your email, please also follow up after reserving your spot so I have your contact information at ariellesheart@gmail.com. Recording will also be available. If you are Palestinian or have family from the region, you can come for free. If money is a barrier, you are also welcome to come. In both cases, just email me so I can send you the call information.

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San Antonio Community Healing

As we enter into the Fall, it is time to start to go inward, and listen to our inner guidance. Review the past year, and reflect if there are areas in our life that are time for a new direction. This will be right before the Fall Equinox week, a perfect time for ceremony and celebration of the change of the seasons.

This will be a small group intimate healing space limited to 4 people. This space will help me practice offering in-person healings, so it will be a tender space shared by all of us.

My healing is informed by my emphasis on coming back to our relationship with the natural world and that by healing ourselves, we heal our communities.

We will start out with sharing a special herbal tea that I prepare, a medicine created based on what I sense the group needs. We will call on the plant spirits to assist us in our journey. My spaces are trauma-informed and rooted in trying to create a space that can help you feel safe enough to take the next steps in your healing journey. I also usually have a somatic component in each of my healings, if I feel people are ready for it. As I believe so often, we need to heal through our bodies, not just our minds. We will come back to ourselves, making space for our intuition, which provides us beautiful inner guidance. I will also do healing work with everyone in attendance. My goal is to have each person walk away feeling like they’ve made progress in their healing journey, and clear direction on what they can implement after they leave. My sessions are intuitively guided so I will have everyone in attendance fill out a form to intuitively create the healing space based on what people are dealing with specifically.

I recommend reserving as soon as possible because there are limited spots. It is sliding scale, but you can donate the full amount after the session based on your ability and the value you gained. If you reserve a spot and no longer able to attend, I will send you your reservation amount back if we are able to find someone to replace you.

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Inner Child Healing Workshop

Inner Child Healing Workshop

My goal is to help you integrate the healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels to get to true healing and breaking generational patterns, so you can show up as wise ancestors, you can be your fully authentic self and develop more healthy patterns for yourself and your relationships.

My background: I have healed from chronic dissociation, lack of safety in my body, and emotional suppression. I have trained in healing trauma and nervous system work, and many other healing modalities, including energy work. I am passionate about sharing the many techniques and tools I have built over my healing journey with other people, and as an intuitive, I can often see blocks that people have and help them get passed them.

This small group inner child healing class is online and donation based. The time listed here is in CST.

My lessons are intuitively guided and interactive. Once you register, I will have you do a form to give me some information of where you are with your inner child healing, if you are at the beginning or have started and are trying to go deeper, so I can adapt my workshop to the group.

The loose format (but will be intuitively guided): will be interactive, we will share with each other and go through some reflection questions, then depending on where the group is at in their journey, I will share some insight on inner child healing or reflections on what people of shared to help them move forward in their journeys. I may share about nervous system regulation, reparenting yourself, processing you emotions, and ancestral and generational healing.

Then the workshop will also include a healing component. The space will be created at the beginning as a safe space. The healing may included guided meditations, energy work, etc.

The suggested donation is $25-40, but everyone is welcome if the donation able to be made is less than that. You can donate after the workshop based on the value you gained and your ability. Please reserve a ticket on eventbrite because I want to keep track of who is coming so I can keep it limited to a small, intimate group.

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Tea Circle for Collective Healing

Tea Circle for Collective Healing

When I think of the direction it’s time for us to go in, I think of the village, I think of our ancestral ways. I imagine our ancestors, many of them embodying their feminine strength, gathering in circle, processing grief and injustice, finding support in each other and other powerful tools. I imagine them able to sit with the truth of the injustices, because they had the proper support to help them move forward. I imagine them building their communities to reflect their values of peace, justice, and living in community with respect for nature beings.

This unique experience is to connect the mind, body, and spirit to help you move through collective trauma into a place of intention and action.

This session will be intuitively guided based on the group, but the loose plan is as follows:

  • Before the meeting you will receive instructions on how to prepare a tea for the ceremony. For this reason, I recommend you registering early to have time to get anything you may need prepared.

  • We will take time to get grounded in our body and connect with the tea. The tea will help hold us through these times, today and it can be a practice we can come back to in the future.

  • We will hold our intentions powerfully in community to access spiritual support.

  • I will share about how we can connect more with “plant medicine” in our every day lives and in an accessible way.

  • We will sit with the current collective trauma. This may change before our meeting depending on what is going on but right now I can imagine discussing: political clashes and navigating through in a heart centered way. There will be a time I share my reflections on what is going on.

  • This will be a unique experience because we will not just discuss it and stay in our logical mind, but we will move through the collective heaviness to access our higher wisdom and guidance to help us access how to move forward, come to a place of peace and clarity.

  • We will discuss and/or do practices that we can weave into our lives after the circle.

This first workshop is donation based in the true meaning of the word. No worries on making a donation, your donation can be $0, and you can also wait to donate after the event based on the value you get. You can also register and get a recording after you can access for 1 week after the event.

Will be held on zoom.

*this ceremony is a very intentional space so I will only let people in until 10 minutes after it has started, if you arrive after that, I will recommend you watch the recording instead so you have time to drop into a spiritual place.

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