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Weekly Healing Workshops

For the next month, I will offer healing workshops every week instead of promoting each event individually.

My favorite thing to do is to intuitively create my workshops in response to where each person who is participating is stuck. Each workshop will include a healing exercise to help each participant move forward in their healing journeys. Each workshop will be unique to the participants, teaching about topics where participants are stuck, and discussing general collective themes coming up.

The upcoming dates for the next month are:

Friday, February 16th 12-1:15

Wednesday, February 21st 3-4:15

Tuesday, February 27th 3-4:15

Wednesday, March 3rd 3-4:15

*recordings are always available and the times are an estimate, workshops will run from 1 hour to an hour and a half.

People often take away from my workshops things like:

  • more clarity of where you are in your healing journey and next steps

  • intuitive guidance for navigating any roadblocks you have

  • help and guidance stepping into your power as a person for the new earth, a change maker, a leader for true change, etc.

  • new perspectives for deeper healing, deeper collective healing, and the directions we want to move in

  • feeling the support that a more intimate and interactive container can provide

My work is intuitive and I pull from my interdisciplinary studies in healing.

A sample format of the way my workshops go:

  • Introductions and speaking about what each participant is working through right now

  • Teachings to common themes and what the individuals are going through. This is a group discussion and therefore often questions come up that we will also discuss.

  • A healing practice. This may include energy work, ritual practices that you can practice the upcoming week, working with plants (like tea), self-inquiry journaling, etc. Ultimately the purpose of my healings is to have support to be able to transmute heavy emotions, rather than get stuck in them when they come up.

You can attend any and all weeks. These offerings are loose sliding scale (you can choose what feels right for you, higher amounts are optional) from $25-50 per session. To attend you can venmo me @Arielle-yoon and put in the notes your email address. If you do not have Venmo you can email me and we can figure out the best way for payment :). Donating at the higher levels help support my work but you can also support my work by attending regularly, sharing, etc :).

January 25

Taking Your Power Back in Times of Global Devastation

February 20

Self Love Workshop