Walking Purpose Sessions

Feel like you’re meant for something bigger?

Feel drawn to serving the world but are struggling to see your place in the current systems?

Feel like you are in the right place, but not sure how to step into your biggest impact there or what direction to take with your work?

Walking purpose sessions are intuitive sessions that are to help you walk more in alignment with your path.

These sessions are based on the truth that everything is related, so we may be doing deep healing on your relationship with your family, but that is what is needed for you to create strong enough boundaries to have enough energy to step forward on your path.

$125 for a single session, if you are interested in working with me in more depth, feel free to schedule a 15 minute consultation call with me and I can come up with a discounted package recommendation for you and we can discuss what we can work on.

Schedule a 15 -minute interest call here: link

If you have any questions you can email me at ariellesheart@gmail.com or message me on social media!