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Taking Your Power Back in Times of Global Devastation

Discussion and interactive online workshop to take our power back during these times.

In these times, we are reminded of the ways that the current systems are no longer working for us, but there may be still ways that our culture and systems still influence us. They may not allow us to take time to grieve because of capitalism or lack of support, social media and the news may make us feel like nothing we can do will be important enough or keep us in fight or flight so we don’t come back to our unique power. We may not have the tools to grieve and move through such big emotions, which can be both because of the amount of sorrow in the collective grief, but also because it might touch into past experiences we or our ancestors have had.

This workshop will be intuitively guided based on where each person is at, to help each person become more centered, rooted, and back into their power. If there are any blocks, we will work through them.

In this workshop the goals I have are:

  • that each person walks a way feeling more powerful to influence and shape the world we live in for the better

  • that each person becomes very clear on what may be blocking them from their power and being connected to their higher self which these imperative times are happening

  • that people leave centered, and more regulated, and have more tools to come back to their power more regularly

  • that people may identify ways they can tangibly create more good in the world

To register, please Venmo or PayPal me $25 at @Arielle-yoon or I will email the zoom information. If you are not sure if I have your email, please also follow up after reserving your spot so I have your contact information at Recording will also be available. If you are Palestinian or have family from the region, you can come for free. If money is a barrier, you are also welcome to come. In both cases, just email me so I can send you the call information.

September 17

San Antonio Community Healing

February 16

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