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San Antonio Community Healing

As we enter into the Fall, it is time to start to go inward, and listen to our inner guidance. Review the past year, and reflect if there are areas in our life that are time for a new direction. This will be right before the Fall Equinox week, a perfect time for ceremony and celebration of the change of the seasons.

This will be a small group intimate healing space limited to 4 people. This space will help me practice offering in-person healings, so it will be a tender space shared by all of us.

My healing is informed by my emphasis on coming back to our relationship with the natural world and that by healing ourselves, we heal our communities.

We will start out with sharing a special herbal tea that I prepare, a medicine created based on what I sense the group needs. We will call on the plant spirits to assist us in our journey. My spaces are trauma-informed and rooted in trying to create a space that can help you feel safe enough to take the next steps in your healing journey. I also usually have a somatic component in each of my healings, if I feel people are ready for it. As I believe so often, we need to heal through our bodies, not just our minds. We will come back to ourselves, making space for our intuition, which provides us beautiful inner guidance. I will also do healing work with everyone in attendance. My goal is to have each person walk away feeling like they’ve made progress in their healing journey, and clear direction on what they can implement after they leave. My sessions are intuitively guided so I will have everyone in attendance fill out a form to intuitively create the healing space based on what people are dealing with specifically.

I recommend reserving as soon as possible because there are limited spots. It is sliding scale, but you can donate the full amount after the session based on your ability and the value you gained. If you reserve a spot and no longer able to attend, I will send you your reservation amount back if we are able to find someone to replace you.

August 21

Inner Child Healing Workshop

January 25

Taking Your Power Back in Times of Global Devastation