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What is Your Change Maker Archetype?

What is Your Change Maker Archetype?

Donation Based Virtual Workshop

Many of us are called to service but then when we get into the current modes of service- working at public service organizations, nonprofits, community organizations - there can be a culture that we should all be working a “certain” way. And if we are not good at that way, we can internalize the lack of fitting into our environments.

It is time for new culture change as far as how we serve. It is time to own our unique medicine, and to own our needs.

What is your change maker archetype? Are you supposed to be working within the systems or outside of the systems? Are you meant to be a bridge for people who are ready for change or do you come off so radical that you are meant for people who are already embodying the change?

We will explore these questions and try to learn more about our own change maker archetype in this workshop.

It is a donation based workshop with a recommended donation amount of $25, though you are welcome to give according to your ability and the value you find the workshop to be. You can Venmo me at @Arielle-yoon or email me if you would like different options.

August 21

Dreamers Council