Intuitive Healing Session

My healing sessions are designed for those people who are already on their healing journey and have a specific place you are stuck.

I will intuitively assess where the blocks are coming from and specialize the session according to where you are. They are also called intuitive sessions because I will intuitively craft them for what you specifically need.

Clients often come out of sessions with a greater understanding of where they are on their path, and an understanding of what they next need to work on for the next month or so.

My system is trauma informed, and comes from 9+ years on the healing path. I believe deeply that there is no “right” path and so each person can come completely as they are and feel sovereign to make the decisions that they want to. I do not believe in the picture of the perfect “spiritual” person, and instead believe the more you walk the path the more it is messy and may not make sense to anyone but you.

I am also very prepared to hold space for deep trauma healing, though it make take some time to build trust for your body to go there with me. Packages may be recommended for these types of healing.

My healing sessions are designed so we do healing in during the session, but also that you leave with takeaways that you can come back to. I use intuitive guidance to structure the sessions but most of them include some heart to heart talking and some healing practice. The healing practices come from my experience in healing and may include energy work, compassion meditations, somatic emotional alchemy, breath work, inner child work, ancestral work, shadow work, nervous system regulation work, land based ritual work, etc.

Ancestral work comes up often in my sessions and I welcome people of all backgrounds - I strive to create an inclusive space for all people- including people of color, LGBTQ folks, and other marginalized people.

*limited availability each month

Virtual and in person sessions,

60 minutes, $125. Packages are available at a discounted rate per session.

If you are interested but want to know if my sessions are a good fit for what you are working on or if you are interested in a unique package recommendation for what you are working on you can schedule a 15 -minute interest call here: link

If have any questions you can email me at or fill out the contact form.

*if sliding scale is needed, let me know. These sessions are for people who are financially unstable and do not have familial financial support systems. I have limited capacity at this time for sliding scale sessions but we can discuss :)

The scheduling below is for virtual sessions but if you would like to book an in-person session please message me or email me (

“Arielle is a powerful energy worker and space holder. She was able to bring to light some aspects I had been working on for a while but had yet to really click in. Since our session I have noticed definitive beneficial shifts in how I work with these certain aspects. I am someone who is experienced in working with others in this capacity and I can honestly say Arielle is the real deal. Highly recommend working with her.” -Natalie