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Tea Circle for Collective Healing

When I think of the direction it’s time for us to go in, I think of the village, I think of our ancestral ways. I imagine our ancestors, many of them embodying their feminine strength, gathering in circle, processing grief and injustice, finding support in each other and other powerful tools. I imagine them able to sit with the truth of the injustices, because they had the proper support to help them move forward. I imagine them building their communities to reflect their values of peace, justice, and living in community with respect for nature beings.

This unique experience is to connect the mind, body, and spirit to help you move through collective trauma into a place of intention and action.

This session will be intuitively guided based on the group, but the loose plan is as follows:

  • Before the meeting you will receive instructions on how to prepare a tea for the ceremony. For this reason, I recommend you registering early to have time to get anything you may need prepared.

  • We will take time to get grounded in our body and connect with the tea. The tea will help hold us through these times, today and it can be a practice we can come back to in the future.

  • We will hold our intentions powerfully in community to access spiritual support.

  • I will share about how we can connect more with “plant medicine” in our every day lives and in an accessible way.

  • We will sit with the current collective trauma. This may change before our meeting depending on what is going on but right now I can imagine discussing: political clashes and navigating through in a heart centered way. There will be a time I share my reflections on what is going on.

  • This will be a unique experience because we will not just discuss it and stay in our logical mind, but we will move through the collective heaviness to access our higher wisdom and guidance to help us access how to move forward, come to a place of peace and clarity.

  • We will discuss and/or do practices that we can weave into our lives after the circle.

This first workshop is donation based in the true meaning of the word. No worries on making a donation, your donation can be $0, and you can also wait to donate after the event based on the value you get. You can also register and get a recording after you can access for 1 week after the event.

Will be held on zoom.

*this ceremony is a very intentional space so I will only let people in until 10 minutes after it has started, if you arrive after that, I will recommend you watch the recording instead so you have time to drop into a spiritual place.

August 21

Inner Child Healing Workshop