Why You Don’t Know What Your Purpose Is

Many of us wonder what is my purpose? We stress ourselves out and feel panic, like I need to figure it out! We think maybe I can figure it out after work with my spare energy, maybe I can think about what I would like, etc.

Sometimes what our minds tell us we need, is just the story we give to a sense of being lost, of knowing that there is something more. But we don’t know what it is, and so we think “oh if I figured out my purpose, my life would be better.” But really, that’s not the answer. There is no intellectualizing what our purpose is, you can’t figure it out in your mind.

And, a lot of the stress that we feel, the feeling lost, is actually not because we don’t know what our purpose is yet, but because we are not actually aligned to it yet. We haven’t left the job, the relationship, faced the fears, that would put us on the path of our purpose.

If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. If we think of the wisdom of the villages, do you think the powerful healer in the village knew early on that that’s what they would become? Probably not, they had to go through the path of becoming. They wouldn’t be able to “figure it out” or intellectualize it.

As we follow the breadcrumbs of our intuition, the path slowly unfolds for us. We have experiences that we realize feel so perfect and aligned, and we realize for many of us our unique gifts and purpose are something totally new, that we wouldn’t even have been able to intellectualize.

So we must first reflect on our lives, and look at what are the weeds we have to pull out, to make space for our path to follow our purpose? It may just be making more space to tune in to your intuition in the first place, tune into your body, that tells you your job is terribly draining you. Or that whisper that tells you that if you pursued that healing, you may become someone else that your partner doesn’t like. Or that fear that your parents will be so disappointed in us if we leave our prestigious life.

We have to do those things and take the first step, towards our purpose.


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