Finding Safety to Change

Originally a newsletter sent out August 5th

I just got back to Texas and San Antonio for the first time in awhile, and I am staying in a new apartment. My cat, Sol's reaction to the new place has been a teacher for me. On the first days, he was really scared in his new environment. The first day he hid in the closet basically the whole day. Each day, he came out a little more- but in a very slow and comfortable way for him. He would come out for small periods of time, and then return to the safety of the closet. And those periods of time grew each day. And he was intentional about creating safety for himself, like he would come out if I was around in the room, as a safe presence for him. 

It's funny because in all of the nervous system education I've had, which is also very tied to our ability to heal, I've heard over and over about not overwhelming ourselves and to anchor into things that make ourselves feel safer in a new environment. I feel like Sol modeled this perfectly. He only slowly exposed himself to the new life, and kept coming back to safety. He anchored into things that made him feel safer in a new environment. It's so cool how these things are so natural to us! 

I know a lot of people are going through a lot of change and growth right now, and in that, it's so important to take care of our nervous systems. I always say that after we grow and heal everything can be a little more tiring on our nervous system because everything feels so new. Things where we had an "automatic response," we now choose differently, and we don't know what the outcome will be. If we're used to being inauthentic with people and we've healed and want to now have honest, open conversations. Those conversations are going to be scary because you haven't had the experiences yet and the reactions from people that will program your nervous system that it is safe to do.  

Prompts: Sol can inspire us on how to care for ourselves in these times of change! How can you keep coming back to safety in your body after exposing yourself to something that puts you outside of your comfort zone or is uncomfortable? How can you bring gentleness and sweetness to yourself, when you need more time for rest and care because it's a lot on your body and nervous system? How can you find anchors that will make you feel more safe? Like a support system of healers, friends, or resources you can come back to like breathwork or nature walks to help you feel more safe in the change? 

As I embrace ongoing shifts in my life, I believe this newsletter and my offerings will continue to shift a lot in the next year. 


If you haven't seen, I am offering 40% off my healing sessions in August. If you are interested in having a healing session in person or virtually, they will be only $45. My healing sessions are intuitively guided and I am interested in offering sessions and healing that weave together spiritual/energetic, emotional, and physical healing. I will intuitively read what blocks are coming up for you and try to help guide you to past it. These sessions may include energy work, guided meditations, nervous system work, herbal remedies, placticas (in mexican tradition, caring conversations). If you're not up for a healing but you know friends who would be interested in trying something new, please share about this offering! I am getting a lot of practice to formulate my sessions. (more information on my website:more info though I'm still adapting it!)

Two other group offerings will be coming up:

 1. will be an online donation based inner child healing workshop, I believe the weekend of the 18th. Let me know if you're interested!(even if the dates don't work) This will also be an intuitively guided session that will weave together platica, resources, and guided healing like through meditation/energy work. 

2. I will be holding an in person healing session for a small group 3-4 people at the end of August or beginning of September in San Antonio. This will also be a sliding scale/donation based offering. Also let me know if interested or if you have any questions!. 

Free offering: I don't think I ever emailed when I made this free guided meditation for dealing with heavy collective energy/ or things going on in the world! free meditation here

I hope everyone has a great Saturday and is enjoying summer! 




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