Divine Leadership

A 6-week class for visionaries, change makers, healers, who are ready to step into their power, stepping into the leadership and the visions for the world we are ready for.

Are you feeling disenchanted with the old systems?

  • You may currently/ or have worked in the non-profit or public service sector but you see the problems are too big for the current systems

  • You don’t have a lot of role models for how you want to work and create the change.

  • You are over being in service having to mean you have to sacrifice yourself: which could include your happiness, your financial stability, your relationships, or your needs.

  • Are you on a spiritual path but want it to be woven into and connected to your purpose work for serving people, rather than feeling disjointed?

  • You recognize the current systems do not recognize you in all of your brilliance

  • You are trying to make a difference in the world but you’re feeling like there is something blocking you from fully making the difference you know you’re here to make?

Are you ready for:

  • Real changes in your life and the world. You know something has to change, and it’s time.

  • You are ready to feel like what you do truly is making a difference, to feel alignment, to feel like you’re living in your most true self.

  • You’re ready to come out to the world with all of the medicine you have to offer.

  • You are ready for a deep healing container and support system where your goals will be supported, which is necessary for making change in the world.

  • You are ready for more personalized guidance that is specific to your unique circumstances and your blocks (intuitive guidance)

  • You are ready for not only the direction to go in but support in actually making the changes in your life and any blocks that may come up.

  • You are ready to get rid of leaning so heavily on the how-tos and accessing spiritual and internal guidance to bring truly different, innovative, much needed work into the world.

  • You are ready for a group where we are working on ourselves, TO serve the world. A group that doesn’t separate these two but we will integrate the two so we can step into our highest service.

  • You may already have an inspiration of the way you want to go into, work that has been calling you faintly but something has been blocking you and it could be helpful to have a support system to heal whatever is in the way.

This class is for healers.

Healers defined as those who are going to revolutionize the world by bringing their unique energy to create divine change.



This is a space to connecting with your unique voice, power, and intuition to follow your unique path. We will be focusing on embodiment and building the tools and skills for the deepest healing that you can use again and again for the rest of your life to keep rooting back to your path.


  • Sign ups close August 31st, and we will begin the next week depending on the availability of the group. Then Circle opens the first week of August and goes until the week of September 14th

  • One 1-1.5 hour call per week.

  • WhatsApp group

  • I love sharing resources with the people I am working with and will share anything I think will help and is needed.

  • Smaller group, my goal is to be able to tune in and provide assistance for each person to reach their goals.

  • 1 1-1 healing/Embodied Purpose session with Arielle.

  • We will be working in multiple realms: with the land, on emotional healing, and with our purpose. Participants are encouraged to have a “project” or goal to work on through the class and we can work on it throughout the class.

  • Mini retreat session.

Course Outline Ideas

(but will be adjusted for the group)

Class 1: Opening Circle Ceremony. Choose projects. Individual Healing and Collective Healing are the Same. How to be Truly Revolutionary.

Projects can be an actual project like build a community garden, or it can be like showing up at work as a leader, or taking more steps on your business, or finding your purpose.

Class 2: Boundary work and Self-Esteem. What is your Changemaker archetype?

Boundaries are VITAL for walking our highest path. Healing is cyclical and there are many levels of boundaries that must be made to treat our time and energy with respect so we have space for walking this path.

Self-esteem and worthiness is also vital.

Check in weekly on projects and work through blocks.

Class 3: Dreaming Again. Deepening our connection to the land and bringing our heart frequencies to the world. Allowing for heart break and anger.

What is blocking us from seeing and being on the frequency of the highest path for our communities? How can we make space to allow ourselves to be in it more. Only from allowing ourselves to tune into the frequency of possibilities can we change the world.

Class 4: Personal and Collective Shadow Work

Where are we feeling blocked? Group deep dive into where we are currently blocked on this path and how to navigate and heal it. Bridging the gap within ourselves so we are prepared to do collective shadow work. The dark is necessary to get to the light.

Deep healing container, guided healing practice.

Class 5: Embodiment. Showing up as more of ourselves.

How do we embody the change we want to see in the world? What does that mean? Why is that important? Trying to change the world by embodiment versus trying to change people. Also, embodiment is not for the weak! People have been persecuted in at least all recent history for breaking the norms. How to acknowledge this to change.

Sharing our hearts with each other and allowing ourselves to stretch to share ourselves more.

Class 6: Personal Projects Workshop and Mini Retreat

Creating a ceremonial space for us to go inward and choose what projects we want to take on in this next iteration that have the energy of the new earth. We will have a change to work together to share our ideas and ground them with support and guidance. We will be able to vision our future.

What will the format of the teachings be?

There will be 1 longer session a month to retreat-style go inward and really get clarity, connect to our intuitions, etc.

Most of my work is based on utilizing my intuitive abilities and experiences to see where the group is blocked and from my experience, guiding you past them. Because of this, my work is very specialized and precise.

There will be discussions, group conversations, guidance given during the calls, exercises to tune into your intuition in this area and finding where there may be blocks. We may discuss specific topics and resources where the group is having blocks. There will be guided energy healings offered during the calls regularly. There will be group support of each other with the WhatsApp group. My work is also very much rooted in ancestral ways so we will incorporate somatic healing, like introduction and experiencing of breath work, movement, self-compassion, identifying and working with pain within the body, trauma healing. We will also incorporate land-based ancestral practices during classes and as homework like rituals to do out in nature, tea recommendations, etc.

I will provide additional resources and content when needed- whether it’s sending specific books and videos, incorporating hands-on lessons during class, etc.

Typically in my healings topics that come up are: healing our relationship with our emotions, coming more into clarity, trauma healing, ancestral connection, self-compassion, grounding, healing disassociation, strengthening how to manifest our spiritual visions in the material world etc, etc. - we will move through topics as they relate to us moving into our purpose.

Ready for Divine Leadership?


$425 paid in full

Payment plan:

2-month payment plan: $225/month

3-month payment plan: $156/ month

*2 scholarships (full/partial depending on financial ability) available for those BIPOC or generationally disenfranchised people who cannot afford this program at this time. If you are interested, you can email me at ariellesheart@gmail.com or fill out the application form.

Early bird special: Sign up by August 21st and receive 2 1-1 healing sessions included (instead of 1).

Have questions? Email me at ariellesheart@gmail.com.

Ready to join?

To register with pay in full option, you can do so here: Link to register

+ Please fill out this form: application

If you would like to do a payment plan or scholarship, please indicate on the application and I will follow up to complete payment process.

Schedule a free inquiry call below :)
