Calling all heart medicine people, those who are ready to share their heart with the world by embodying the change.

Heart medicine is loving but it is also courageous. It’s our inner divine spark. It’s our medicine that we can weave into the work we are called to do- whether that’s opening a coffee shop or being an energy worker.

When we pour our heart medicine into our work, it heals the communities that are impacted by our work.

Supporting healers, helpers, and dreamers in revolutionary creating from our hearts.

About me

I am intuitive healer who is called to healing because when we heal individually, we embody the change and heal our culture.

I have always been in pursuit of the answer to the question “how we create a better world.” This path led me first to become a social justice lawyer. When I worked as a lawyer I began to feel that I would make a bigger impact from outside of the systems. I believe the way to get to the world we want is by healing.

I am dedicated to this spiritual healing path and have spent the last 9+ years studying many modalities. My teachings and work comes from the embodiment of my own experience with deep trauma healing. My work is rooted in ancestral, earth honoring, land-based practices. My medicine is depth medicine. I believe everything is interconnected and when we heal our darkest shadows, the generational trauma we are ending creates ripple effects in the world.

My studies include: nervous system and trauma healing, Buddhist meditation, energy work, breathwork, herbalism, flower essences, and folk medicine (curanderismo specifically), etc.

Lastly, I am mixed equal parts Mexican, Jewish-Russian, Korean, and Hungarian and I believe that my mixed identity is part of my medicine. Due to my mixed heritage, I do not try to claim an identity based lineage for healing but rather prefer to learn the underlying truth from these lineages so the wisdom can be honored and adapted to modern day life, without needing to be of the lineage or appropriating the lineage of others.

  • I was definitely skeptical about trauma healing, but I trusted Arielle, so I thought I'd give it a try. I am so glad that I did! I made huge progress in my mental health journey after just one session. I can't put into words what a breakthrough it was. Since my session, I have been able to use the tangible tools I learned to ground myself when dis-regulated. I highly recommend working with Arielle!

  • Arielle is a powerful energy worker and space holder. She was able to bring to light some aspects I had been working on for a while but had yet to really click in. Since our session I have noticed definitive beneficial shifts in how I work with these certain aspects. I am someone who is experienced in working with others in this capacity and I can honestly say Arielle is the real deal. Highly recommend working with her.


  • I met with Arielle during a transitional time and her emphasis on both my connection to nature and the ancestors were very special and healing. She intuitively guided me through a process that felt uniquely suited to me. I highly recommend working with Arielle for a personal healing experience.


  • This was my first group energy session with Arielle. Even though we covered deep and vulnerable work, I felt safe and held. While the container felt supportive and inclusive, it also felt clear and individuated. I felt safe to share vulnerably and felt a sense of peace after releasing the heaviness that was blocking me from insight and healing. My heart feels happy!



Check Out My Youtube Channel. This video is explaining why dreaming a new world is important.

You can check out my latest writings by checking out my Medium and substack.

Here is an article about how empathy as we know it isn’t helpful in relationships and how can we create healthy regulated communities.

“Your Empathy Is Not Helpful” on Medium

Here you can find a substack post I did about becoming a skilled inner parent and responding to all of our different emotions in different ways.

Becoming a Skilled Inner Parent” on Substack